Theotokoula Moulinos

Theotocoula Moulinos Gasparatos was born in Australia, raised in New York and now lives in Kefalonia. She is a graduate of St. John’s University, New York with a degree in child psychology and sociology. From 1994 until today she is the assistant curator of the Corgialenios Historical & Cultural Museum under the Corgialenios Foundation in Kefalonia. Whenever necessary, she helps with research in the library and/or any other services the readers may require. She is an active member of the Lady’s Committee at the Harocopio Foundation and an examiner for the ESOL exams in Kefalonia. Before she moved to the island she was a teacher at the Montessori School in New York as well as a counselor in a group home for abused children.


Sixteen Museums - Five Islands - One Network

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