General Events
DISCUSSIONS FOR THE MUSEUM 2022-2023. Lecture: Museum and well-being!
Posted: 17-02-2023 07:55
Start: 17-02-2023 |End: 23-02-2023
Museum Collections of the Ionian University Discussions for the museum 2022-2023 Lecture Museum and well-being! Chryssi Vombogianni, Museologist - Conservator of Antiquities, Ephorate of Antiquities Athens City
DISCUSSIONS ON THE MUSEUM 2022-2023. Lecture: The museum as an agent of social change
Posted: 13-01-2023 10:41
Start: 13-01-2023 |End: 19-01-2023
How does the creation of an ephemeral participatory museum enhance the effort for social change on issues affecting the local community by the local community? The combination of socio-cultural empowerment with museology and museum education is at the core of the Emerge method.

Sixteen Museums - Five Islands - One Network

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