DISCUSSIONS FOR THE MUSEUM 2022-2023. Lecture: Museum and well-being!

Posted: 17-02-2023 07:55 | Views: 2454
Start: 17-02-2023 |End: 23-02-2023

Museum Collections of the Ionian University

Discussions for the museum 2022-2023


Museum and well-being!

Chryssi Vombogianni, Museologist - Conservator of Antiquities, Ephorate of Antiquities of Athens City

Today, there is an international debate on the contribution of cultural organisations and museums to welfare, wellness and wellbeing.

Can museums have a 'therapeutic' role and contribute to wellbeing and the promotion of our mental health?

By analysing the design of a specific project, the talk will focus on how this new role of museums can be realised through appropriate design for all and with all, partnerships, lasting actions and a positive organisational culture. The discussion will take place online on Thursday, 23 February 2023 at 18:00 via the following link https://ionio-gr.zoom.us/j/93833955040

Meeting ID: 938 3395 5040

Chryssi Vombogianni is a Museologist - Conservator of Antiquities (Athens Ephorate of Antiquities) and music educator. She has worked in re-exposures of archaeological museums and collections, in the conservation of monuments and in the design and implementation of educational programs in the context of activities for the Ministry of Culture and Sports.


Sixteen Museums - Five Islands - One Network

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