DISCUSSIONS ON THE MUSEUM 2022-2023. Lecture: The museum as an agent of social change

Posted: 13-01-2023 10:41 | Views: 2550
Start: 13-01-2023 |End: 19-01-2023

Museum Collections of the Ionian University

Discussions for the museum 2022-2023


The museum as an agent of social change

Valentina Sokratous, Department of Museum Education, Ethnological Museum of Thrace.

How does the creation of an ephemeral participatory museum enhance the effort for social change on issues affecting the local community by the local community? The combination of socio-cultural empowerment with museology and museum education is at the core of the Emerge method. The discussion will deconstruct the five stages of this approach: 1.Bonding 2.Trusting 3.Connecting 4.Creating 5.Sharing, with the aim of highlighting the flexibility and multiple applications of the method in different contexts.

The discussion will take place on Thursday 19 January 2023 at 19:00, via videoconference on the ZOOM digital platform and the following link:

 https://ionio-gr.zoom.us/j/95318714610 Meeting ID: 953 1871 4610


Fifteen Museums - Five Islands - One Network

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