International Conference of European University Museums "Postmodern University Museums and the Digital Era" - 2/6/2022 Online

Posted: 21-02-2022 18:09 | Updated: 01-06-2022 23:37 | Views: 4813
Important Date: 02-06-2022

International Conference of European University Museums

"Postmodern University Museums and the Digital Era"

Online and Hosted by Ionian University in Corfu
With the kind support of the Rothschild Foundation and the Ionian University
Organized by the Museum Collections of the Ionian University
June 2, 2022 (time zone: UTC +2, Athens, Greece)

During the current times, museums are in a watershed, it’s the time that they will determine their identity and dynamic. Museums are changing, growing, reforming and evolving towards an inclusive, open, socially aware, creative and educational cell.

In times of new challenges that thousands of museums around the world are facing, immediate response and adaptation is essential so that they can function smoothly and ensure their viability. Responding to this volatile landscape, the Museum Collections of the Ionian University are organising a conference under the title Postmodern University Museums and the Digital Era. The conference is digitally held with participants specialists from European university museums who are known for their rich research work, contribution to the extroversion of their collections and presentation of common features in terms of collaborations, programs and Museum policy. The main goal is a creative dialogue among University Museums, in order to bridge communication as well as to share practices of sociability and sustainability.


  • Postmodern University Museums and the Digital Era
  • Managing University Museums
  • University Museums and interdisciplinarity
  • Innovative and participatory approaches towards society

It is of higher importance that this Conference is not meant only for academics, but it is structured to bring and ensure the participation of the general public.

You can attend the event either via Zoom by registering yourselves for free or via livestream on YouTube (morning sessions and afternoon sessions).

See also:

Registration & Livestream:


Fifteen Museums - Five Islands - One Network

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