Eleni Panagiotou

Eleni Panagiotou is a Museologist, graduate of the Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology of the Ionian University. Her cooperation with the Museum Collections of the Ionian University started through her Internship during which she was involved in the documentation of the School and Education History Collection using the integrated museum management system Museum Plus. Her collaboration with the Museum continues through her participation in the Ionian Islands Museum Network (Di.M.I.N.), the study of which was the subject of her thesis. One of her areas of interest with regarding her participation in Di.M.I.N. and specifically in the Promotion Working Group is her involvement with photo editing and Photoshop as well as Video Editing. She is currently a postgraduate student of Conservation & Management of Cultural Heritage at the Ionian University, while she also works at the Central Library of the Ionian University. 


Sixteen Museums - Five Islands - One Network

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