Elisavet Costa

Elisavet Costa is a Museologist, Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Ioannina and Dr. from the Ionian University. Her research interests focus on cultural tourism and the design of cultural routes. As a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications at the University of Ioannina, her research explores the "Application of virtual and augmented reality in cultural tourism, aiming to create a holistic visitor experience: The case of Greece". She graduated from the Department of Archives, Library Science, and Museology at the Ionian University and holds a Master’s degree in Cultural Management from the Hellenic Open University. Since 2018, she has been actively involved as a contracted Museologist-Researcher in research projects. She collaborates with the University of Ioannina and the Ionian University in undergraduate and postgraduate programs and teaches at the Hellenic Open University in undergraduate programs. She is the author of the book titled "Cultural Routes in Greece: Prospects for the Creative Economy", published in 2024 by Kardamitsa Editions, Athens. Her academic publications address issues related to cultural tourism, the development of cultural routes, and sustainable development. She has participated in international conferences with presentations and publications. Elisavet is an associate in the Amyklaios Research Project, contributing to the various activities developed at the archaeological site of the Spartan sanctuary of Apollo Amyklaios in Sparta. These activities aim to develop innovative methods of educational cultural tourism. She is a member of the Museum Collections Research Team at the Ionian University and serves as the coordinator of the Funding and Development Group of the Ionian Islands Museum Network (DiMIN).


Sixteen Museums - Five Islands - One Network

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