Member Institution Collections

Manufacturing company: A.B. DICK COMPANY
Place of manufacture: CHICAGO, USA
Date of manufacture: 1906
Material: Metal, Wood
Dimensions: 36 x 60 x 33 cm.

Description: The MIMEOGRAPH EDISON DICK No 76 is an ink duplicator with brass drum and cap. It was made in America by the A.B. DICK COMPANY and its manufacture dates back to 1906. The polygraph is a copy machine, which was used to reproduce
letters and circulars. The operation of the machine is similar to the sewing machine. An electric pen created holes through which the ink was imprinted on the new page. The technology took off in the early 20th century with the addition of a manual - and later motorised - drum, which speeded up and simplified the process. These machines cost between $50 and $100 in 1950 in America, which is equivalent to about $500 to $1,000 in today's dollars. Originally they were used mainly in schools and offices. Within a few years it replaced the position of the scribe which disappeared.


Sixteen Museums - Five Islands - One Network

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